Fierce Lab

Started 2018 @ Rice University

Memorizer:Lossless Instruction-to-Object Memory Tracing in the Linux Kernel

The lack of visibility into Linux’s behavior makes it hard to refactor and maintain. To peer inside the box, we present Memorizer, a self-contained, low-level tracing framework that tracks (most) object allocations, data accesses, and function calls within the kernel. The core insight is a low-level object-centric representation that records detailed lifetime information while linking each operation (call/read/write) with its intended target. We evaluate Memorizer using extensive input programs and demonstrate its value by showing how Memorizer can
(1) aid in refactoring
(2)extend code coverage with object coverage to improve testing and analysis, and
(3) identify leaky abstractions.
We also release a large data set, visualization tools, and Memorizer’s source. This generic, object-centric approach is the first to provide lossless instruction-to-object tracing, adding an essential software engineering capability to the overly complex Linux kernel.

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μSCOPE:A Methodology for Analyzing Least-Privilege Compartmentalization in Large Software Artifacts

By prioritizing simplicity and portability, least-privilege engineering has been an afterthought in OS design, resulting in monolithic kernels where any exploit leads to total compromise. μSCOPE (“microscope”) addresses this problem by automatically identifying opportunities for least-privilege separation. μSCOPE replaces expert-driven, semi-automated analysis with a general methodology for exploring a continuum of security vs. performance design points by adopting a quantitative and systematic approach to privilege analysis. In the paper, we detail how we applied the μSCOPE methodology to the Linux kernel, allowing us to accomplish the following:
1. The instrumentation of the entire Linux kernel, granting comprehensive, fine-grained memory access and call activity
2. The mapping of fine-grained memory accesses and calls to semantic information
3. The reporting of a separability analysis on the kernel, using both quantitative privilege and overhead metrics
We discover opportunities for orders of magnitude privilege reduction while predicting relatively low overheads - at 15% mediation overhead, overprivilege in Linux can be reduced up to 99.8% - suggesting fine-grained privilege separation is feasible and laying the groundwork for accelerating real privilege separation.

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